Goods for home

What if resources led design?

For these products, we first asked ourselves, what do we have? And from there, where can we go? The result is a clutch of shelves and mantels that draw from what was, what is, and what can be. 100-year-old wood, an inherited size, and imagination. Rest your cup on-eth and dream of the world we want, where each object carries with it a humble gesture toward the good.

Here you will find wood that radiates renewal, brought to life again with modern updates, soft hues, matte finishes, sunset tones, and a mix of traditional and original shapes, waves and wedges.

Here you will find advocacy too. Choosing to feature reclaimed wood in one's home is saying, I do care. We do care. We frickin’ love wood, but we love the forest too. We seek to connect the end with the beginning in an ongoing circle of interdependency and care. We seek actual sustainability here.