The Acorn


The Acorn is a mini-shelf. A small little seed of a shelf both cupping the wall and reaching into the room. Perfect for tight spaces, intimate moments, and special objects. The Acorn provides just enough nutrients to support just enough meaning, just enough shelf to support only the essence of it all.

The Acorn is available in century-old Douglas-fir, reclaimed in the Pacific Northwest and sealed with a plant-based oil.

An acorn is the nut of the oaks. An acorn is a seed, an embryonic tree-to-be, wrapped in a rich brown casing, topped with a little cap. The Acorn’s lower half is the only portion of the seed that is the tree-to-be. It is an embryonic tree, being feed by the top half of the seed. Loaded with protein, carbohydrates and fat, the top half feeds the embryonic tree from conception to first leaf. When the first leaf sprouts, the seed knows it is no longer needed, the tree is now able to produce its own food via photosynthesis, the process by which light energy from the sun is transformed into chemical energy tree food. But far more often than not, a forest creature gobbles the nut and its stored nutrients first.

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